About Dineo and Emma

We are two third-year Geography students at the University of the Witwatersrand taking the course, Food: Security, Politics, and Culture. Every Thursday afternoon the course takes us on practicals where we engage with the content of the course in different ways outside of the regular lectures. The purpose of this blog is to record our observations, thoughts and overall lessons learned from these practicals; relating it to the content of the course as a whole.

I'm Dineo, and I am majoring in Geography and Biology at Wits. I am interested in Environmental Sciences, particularly the relationships and feed backs between people and the environment. I took this course because I want to better understand how people relate to one of the most important aspects of the human experience, food. A large proportion of South African households spend the bulk of their income on food and it is interesting that I have learned so far in this course that most of the time the fact that they are spending so much of their money on food does not mean that they are food secure.

I’m Emma, an exchange student at Wits University for one year. I come from France where I study political sciences in Lyon. The third year is compulsorily abroad: that’s why I’m in Johannesburg since July 2018. In Wits, I study Sociology, History, and Geography. I never had the chance to have geography’s courses in France, so I’m very glad to have some here. I’m particularly interested in environmental issues. That's why the course "Food: Security, Politics, and Culture" is a good opportunity, as it deals with environmental challenges within the food system.
We hope this blog will be enjoyable and enriching to you!

Dineo & Emma


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